i visited my late atuk's house at ipoh perak
there had been no one living there for a long time *scary la pulak
the house is where i used to celebrate raya a loooonnng time ago
if im not mistaken about 15 years ago
before ayah made arwah atuk and wan to stay with us in subang
and as i entered the house
all those faded memories seem clear to my mind
and there is one thing still there, on the wall
it was made by me and my aunt
using a verrry old microsoft word or something
also fifteen years ago
ohh what a memory :))
maknanya IF ONLY atuk and wan are still alive
now they had married for 65 years
but both of them are no longer here
wan left us in 1997 and atuk 2007
yet when i think about it
atuk lived without her beloved wife for 10 years
but his love for her is always in the air
we can see it through his eyes
as he told us stories about wan
ohhh what a love !
and this reminds me the last part of sm salim's song
cinta dulu cinta sekarang aww :)
em cinta dulu dulu sampai ke liang lahad
tapi cinta sekarang?
susah nak cakap ;D
"Cinta dulu cinta mulia Ikut aturan budaya bangsa Hidup mereka sungguh bahagia Cangkul dan tanah memisahkannya"
cinta sekarang camne pulak ye? ape beza ngan dulu..? hmm (@,@)
tyka, buat r shout mix..leh salu men conteng2..haha
haha. entah. tp cinta dulu mcm diam diam tp romantic skrg x diam, romantic tp x lama. haha. btw, aku dah buat demi kamu ! conteng cpt ;D
cinta dlu2 mok dgn pok plih
cinta skrg x ;p
15 taun dlu ko umur bape dowh?
20.09. the same date as ours la my dear :)
what a coincidence.hehe
nadya : haha. suroh la mok pok pilih kalu bulih bekene ;p
anonymous : 4 tahun lah :D
to you : yes. what a coincidence. so hrp2 dpt berkat yg sama. hehe :)
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