Feb 29, 2012

Lompat sana sini


Actually, I don't have anything pertinent to be said today, I just feel like marking this date on my blog lol
I have been blogging for almost four years and I believe that this is my first time of having 29th February on my blog's calendar, so why don't I kindle some excitement right?

Oh yeah, as a matter of fact, I wanna let you guys know that leap year is so special for me
Neither I was born on 29th February nor anyone special in my life
It was just that I skipped grade on a leap year, which was year 2000
Or in other word, "Aku lompat kelas pada tahun lompat"
How fancy I were! Don't you think so? :D

p/s: Yes, two weeks and counting! Bunga dah mula mekarrrrrr and I know spring is here! :)