we were so small back then
and now, it is already 2010 and
she is leaving to uia next week
is it how a sister should feel?
i started to reminisce all of the good and bad memories
how we gaduh gaduh and jealous jealous
how i used to bully her all the time
how we used to curi camera ibu and snap picture behind the curtains
how childish we were and how bossy i used to be :D
adoi semuanya lawak !

and today i guess we had a great time together
one-day shopping galore of only two-of-us
seronokkkkkk and penattttttt :))
akhir kata, bersiap sedialah nak berpisah dgn rumah :P

ohh sweet :D :D :D
comell sgt :)
thanks korang :)
terharu la tyka baca ni..
saye nak sister jugaakk. haha.
tapii xde.
so sume GIRLFREN saye, sy anggap dorg SISTERS :)
daus : ^_^
kiddo : okay je. girlfrn pun mmg kira sisters :)
adik tika cantik :)
along ptong rmbut angah smpai botak ;p
along ajk wt pkare pelik2 bsame ;)) im her PA
dulu dua2 ni bdak tadika aku nih....sorang satu klas ngan ak adek die klas len....masuk drjah 1 saje nk carik akk die nih...alik2 tgok xda lak....ak darjah 2 baru die darjah 1...baru ku tahu aku lagi tua...pastu tah caner die same darjah ngan aku blik...bdak lompat...cittt...x aci...tipu2....
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