First of all, I wanna let you guys know that I am soooo happy because tomorrow (or today literally), is a holiday for Ohio State yeayy!
Pathetic huh? But this is my first not-so-normal-one-day-holiday after seven weeks of classes
Still, I will be working at 5pm tomorrow, but never mind, working is always the best treatment of my day
I have two midterms next week, and then I will get myself ready for the finals
My dad will be 54 this Monday, and I haven't found anything special enough for him (not good -,-)
And insyaAllah, exactly one month from now, I will be on a plane for my winter break vacation tehee
Speaking of birthday, if any of you are thinking about giving someone special a birthday gift but everything looks so typical, why don't you visit my mom's blog? Not only that you can choose whatever design you like or perhaps invent it yourself, you will surely make people happy. Chocolate is flexible, nice and yummyy. I mean, who doesn't love chocolate? I know that little fact very well. I mean, it's my job Sir. (this might be ambiguous but yes, it is really my job!)
% Note that rand() is actually a matlab function for a random integer. I've just finished my MATLAB % homework just now, so sorry guys, I am still in programming mood lol
% Tomorrow will be an important day for me! Do pray for me :D
Nov 11, 2011
Nov 6, 2011
Eid Mubarak!
Bila bulan Zulhijjah menjelma, maknanya kita akan berhari raya qurban
Qurban, sebenarnya terlalu sinonim dengan semua manusia, tak begitu?
Tak kisahlah belajar, kerja, tua, muda
Terlalu panjang kalau nak elaborate
By the way, ni kali pertama jejak ke Noor Islamic Cultural Center di Dublin
Rupanya dekat je, dalam 20 minit
Kalau nak tahu, NICC ini lah penarik utama waktu nak apply ke Ohio State
Sebab nampak macam lawa and tenang sangat
And you know what, indeed, it is extremely beautiful and calming :)
Hari ini jadi satu hari yang banyak pengajaran
Dari start khutbah raya berbicara tentang syukur
Memerhati ragam hari raya Muslim pelbagai bangsa
Beraya di Lavash makan kambing lol
Sampailah ke malam hari
Harap-harap biarlah hari ni betul-betul penuh keberkatan, sinonim dengan ungkapan Eid Mubarak tu sendiri inshaAllah!
ps: favorite picture of the day. raya di musim luruh :)
Nov 1, 2011
Five More!
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