setahun yg lepas
sy daftar dekat intec uitm
sy takut
sy fikir hidup sy akan bosan
hari ini
sy bersyukur
sbb sy warga intec
atu 15
sy sgt suka
sy sgt bahagia
*terima kasih Tuhan*
sy jugak takut
this place wont be the same
sebab mereka
sy mesti rindu dekat mereka
tapi takpe
we'll meet again someday
i know we will
ps: ppl,thanks for such a wonderful friendship.
i'm really grateful that i belong here, and i had the chance to know all of u :))
Jun 29, 2009
Jun 27, 2009
Jun 18, 2009
its him, my hero
when i was on my way back to home this afternoon
suddenly ayah told me a lot of stories
and i felt free to listen
sekali sekale je pun
but as usual,ayah spoke in english
but i replied in bahasa
ayah: why u wanna go to US?
aku: tak tau
ayah: think of one reason
aku: belaja lah kot ;P
ayah: impossible u dont have other reasons.
aku : err...
ayah: dulu,ayah nak pegi england bcoz of many reasons.
one of them,sebab nak escape dari malaysia.
aku : seriously? *dlm hati*
ayah : tapi satu benda je yg buat ayah xnak pergi.guess what?
aku : atuk dgn wan?
ayah : good girl.u know me well. :)
aku : ayh pernah ckp dulu *dlm hati*
ayah : sbb ayah takut atuk dgn wan meninggal bila ayah jauh.
but do u know what atuk said when i told him i didnt wanna go?
aku : dia suruh ayah jgn risau kot.
ayah : wan sakit waktu tu.tapi atuk kate;
insyaallah,aku rase aku sempat tengok kau balik sini.
pergilah belajar.mak kau aku jage.
aku : *imagine atuk cakap macamtu.atuk macho ;)*
ayah : nasib baik umur dorang panjang.atuk 89,wan 70,
sempat pun ayah jage dorang.
kalau tak mesti ayah regret.
aku : apa yang ayah regret?
ayah : almost everything in my life ade je ayah regret sikit,
atuk and wan,
ur mother,
bukak hk
u all,my 6 princesses.
aku : *senyum*
ayah : nanti when u are at us,u will feel what i used to feel..
ingat 1 je,tuhan dah aturkan yg terbaik utk kite,jgn risau..
it had been a long conversation between me and ayah.
it was true, fun and meaningful.
ayah, atuk, both of u r my hero.
selamat hari bapa.
i love u so much ayah.
all 6 of us do.
picture when i was form 4
rupenye dah lame x snap picture dgn ayah alone :(

Jun 12, 2009
my life this summer
6.30 ~ bangun subuh
before 7.00 ~ tido balek
8.15 ~ bangun,mandi,siap2
8.59 ~ lari2 turun kejar bas pkl 9
9.30 ~ class starts
11.15 ~ class ends
11.30 ~ go to library,bace paper,borak2 ;P
12.45 ~ lunch
1.15 ~ amik bas
1.30 ~ sampai bilik,online,zuhur,tido.
i'm a little bit suprise to see that this is my true daily activity
8 weeks of leisure (except when there is a test on the day after)
i feel so free
i get enough sleep now
i get enough rest now
and i can breath properly at last
only one thing makes me a little bit worry
* my weight *
i'm getting heavier
and fatter
how do i know?
except from the weighing scale that pointed the number ** kg
i can see the changes by comparing my pictures
fall 2008 and summer 2009
i think i desperately need to cut on some food la (:
fall 2008

summer 2009

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