6.30 ~ bangun subuh
before 7.00 ~ tido balek
8.15 ~ bangun,mandi,siap2
8.59 ~ lari2 turun kejar bas pkl 9
9.30 ~ class starts
11.15 ~ class ends
11.30 ~ go to library,bace paper,borak2 ;P
12.45 ~ lunch
1.15 ~ amik bas
1.30 ~ sampai bilik,online,zuhur,tido.
i'm a little bit suprise to see that this is my true daily activity
8 weeks of leisure (except when there is a test on the day after)
i feel so free
i get enough sleep now
i get enough rest now
and i can breath properly at last
only one thing makes me a little bit worry
* my weight *
i'm getting heavier
and fatter
how do i know?
except from the weighing scale that pointed the number ** kg
i can see the changes by comparing my pictures
fall 2008 and summer 2009
i think i desperately need to cut on some food la (:
fall 2008

summer 2009

pergh...ko amik cal II ek..ko blom lg merasa ke-rilek-an bdk2 psycho (especially psycho B yakni klas aku)..kitorg lps ni dh dh x der klas psycho...amcm?
ak jelez bdak klas atas nie..
mna ad ko xberat laa tyka!!
satu angkatan la kita kan??
asal aku rasa cam aku gemuk bila pandang gambo ko?
huda kate :"satu angkatan la kita kan??"
jimy kate : aku belajar pecah kepala..haha
acap: mane mmpu aku amik cal 2.cal 1 xlps kot ;P
nani: btol nani.ayh aku tgor aku gmk td.hehe.
huda: 1 angkatan? :)
adam: ko gmok?shuh2,,xlyk dikatekn gmk!haha.
jimy: saba ea.xpe pcah pale jnji dpt ilmu.ahak.
tbe2 terjumpe ur blog.. haha~
ala, sardin x kesah pon~ hahahaha
wa pusyu tau..
suda gemok..
kid zyant: haha.thnx follow.
zamy: the problem is sardin krs gler.hehe~
Ape hoi hoi? haha
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