when i was on my way back to home this afternoon
suddenly ayah told me a lot of stories
and i felt free to listen
sekali sekale je pun
but as usual,ayah spoke in english
but i replied in bahasa
ayah: why u wanna go to US?
aku: tak tau
ayah: think of one reason
aku: belaja lah kot ;P
ayah: impossible u dont have other reasons.
aku : err...
ayah: dulu,ayah nak pegi england bcoz of many reasons.
one of them,sebab nak escape dari malaysia.
aku : seriously? *dlm hati*
ayah : tapi satu benda je yg buat ayah xnak pergi.guess what?
aku : atuk dgn wan?
ayah : good girl.u know me well. :)
aku : ayh pernah ckp dulu *dlm hati*
ayah : sbb ayah takut atuk dgn wan meninggal bila ayah jauh.
but do u know what atuk said when i told him i didnt wanna go?
aku : dia suruh ayah jgn risau kot.
ayah : wan sakit waktu tu.tapi atuk kate;
insyaallah,aku rase aku sempat tengok kau balik sini.
pergilah belajar.mak kau aku jage.
aku : *imagine atuk cakap macamtu.atuk macho ;)*
ayah : nasib baik umur dorang panjang.atuk 89,wan 70,
sempat pun ayah jage dorang.
kalau tak mesti ayah regret.
aku : apa yang ayah regret?
ayah : almost everything in my life ade je ayah regret sikit,
atuk and wan,
ur mother,
bukak hk
u all,my 6 princesses.
aku : *senyum*
ayah : nanti when u are at us,u will feel what i used to feel..
ingat 1 je,tuhan dah aturkan yg terbaik utk kite,jgn risau..
it had been a long conversation between me and ayah.
it was true, fun and meaningful.
ayah, atuk, both of u r my hero.
selamat hari bapa.
i love u so much ayah.
all 6 of us do.
picture when i was form 4
rupenye dah lame x snap picture dgn ayah alone :(

ey tomorrow is father's day ek?
Lovely dear!!!
hey,my pap always say,"ala..kalo papa nk mati,da mati da.people come n go,its all His arrangement. so jgn rasau la.sume org mati"
so sweet!
eizaz: the quote is meaningful.it really is :(
huhu,i know.
but recalling back those words,they are true.
people come n go,so its life.
whatever happen they'll be going,no need to be sad coz they're going.
but we have to be sad coz they're no longer with us
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