this is my second family vacation cuti ni
eh jap this time vacation ke?
not exactly
actually this is my dad kebun dekat tapah
and this is my first time here
er first time entering a kebun
and it was sooo fun!
ade sungai, kambing, kolam ohh
actually before coming there i was hesitate
bcoz i was having flu and headache
so takut lah penat or what
but ayah kate : pegi je! ddk subang habuk je byk. gi sne, pening sure hilang
so pergi jugaklah on a journey about one and half hour
and he was right! it was extremely fun! :)
budak gembala kambing

*just one thing sucks about my pictures there is :
i didnt pick a right tudung boz i was sick before the journey!:(*
dapat pn mandi sungai eh?? huhuhu..
awww i miss kebun :'(
dah sihat?
eizaz : yes. hehe.
fik : ^_^
nani : dah sihat dahh. :)
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