this is my first time tempah cuppies
bila tengok sample dlm blog tu
i was really excited
so tempah lah
utk 5 disember
ni kire mcm first experiment jugak lah
and believe me, byk sgt rintangan
before everything is settled
*hah mcm movie la jugak*
tp alhamdulillah lastly he got it
but when he sent the pictures
em em em i was like er..
i think it was my mistakes
bg command tak betul kot
so kakak tu do it that way
quite frustrated tp xpe lah
next time dah tau dah
kali ni simple sgt but i am okay
janji someone is happy *smile*

ily tyka...sumpah i really really really like n appreciate it...ly...
that is so sweet la tyka!!!!!!!!!
hepy bdy sardin ;D
woit org yg cll siz 2 taw ..
(: along tkot ;p
haha..really?? thanx 2 u then..
do u all call me sardin at home? haha ;p
daus : bia la ape nk pggil pun kt rumah ;p
nani : hehe. jgn jeles2. haha.
nak jugak! nak jugak! hehe... 3/4 tyka.. XP
haha. dah habis lahh. next year jumm ;p
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