Feb 6, 2009

calculus pressure

i started my day with crime solving presentation and i think it was a pretty success i said about all those envy stuff but later we know that our verdict wasn't right but its ok bcoz we had done our job gracefully *weks* yeah then calculus session started waaa.. i got my quizzes result *sullen* like what miss raihana said "simple silly2 mistakes" heheyh i supposed to get full mark if i knew 'how to add better' aarrghh.. kenapa begini?? susahnya manusia nak redha!! *astaghfirullah* then the time arrived * ouh 145% pressure in 1 hour 45 mins the ques were 'easy as heaven' until it made me sweating all over the test oh man this is calculus no wonder maths genius get their grey hair so soon *smile* yeah it is over nak rehat!!! *

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