Feb 13, 2009

purse = money + memory

13 Feb 09 no class for today yay.yay! *laugh* but then still i have to go to intec bcoz i've lost my purse my very special thing his very first present for me and today i'm going to look out for it *frown* and guess what as i arrived in computer lab i read this announcement on the door [ATIKAH BT ADNAN, SILA AMBIL DOMPET ANDA DI MAKMAL KOMPUTER BLOK S] wee *smile* *smile* *smile* i consider myself as lucky i'd left my stuff all over the world carelessly especially these 1. handphone 2. purse but then still God gave it back to me he knows how much i love my purse then He gives it back :) thanks ya Allah i think day to day now i know how much you love me yes you are ar rahman ar rahim *subhanallah*


Anonymous said...

thnx Allah :)

Anonymous said...

kena gari la purse 2 dgn ko tika
haha =)