Dec 31, 2009
hari akhir
selamat tinggal 2009.
selamat datang 2010.
selamat datang spring semester.
selamat datang musim belajar.
dah 365 hari 2009.
terima kasih Allah. (:
Dec 18, 2009
bila kami ke sana
this is my second family vacation cuti ni
eh jap this time vacation ke?
not exactly
actually this is my dad kebun dekat tapah
and this is my first time here
er first time entering a kebun
and it was sooo fun!
ade sungai, kambing, kolam ohh
actually before coming there i was hesitate
bcoz i was having flu and headache
so takut lah penat or what
but ayah kate : pegi je! ddk subang habuk je byk. gi sne, pening sure hilang
so pergi jugaklah on a journey about one and half hour
and he was right! it was extremely fun! :)
Dec 13, 2009
it is longer than i expected

Dec 9, 2009
*the little nyonya*

Dec 5, 2009
HIS cuppies

Nov 30, 2009
ikea di hari raya
disebabkan kg subang ni aku panggil hometown
so time raya x, kiralah raya puasa ke raya haji ke
kat sinilah aku beraya, x payah jalan jauh2
rumah nenek aku 5 min je jalan kaki
sbb ketiadaan kampung yg jauh ni jugaklah
time raya mcm dah jadi hobi
aku akan keluar jalan2 time raya kedua or ketiga
pergilah mana2 sbb time2 raya
dkt shopping complex ni takde orang sgt
so raya haji ritu, the second day
aku pergi ikea dkt mutiara damansara tu
mak cik aku ajak, aku follow lah
biasanya nak pergi ikea ni dr rumah aku
less than 20 min dah sampai klu jalan clear
paling lama pun setengah jam
tapi hari tu oh oh oh
aku tak tahu lah berapa lama dlm kereta
sampai aku tertidur tidur
tapi jalan banyak gila kereta kalah peak hour
sakit hati aku
and dekat dalam ikea tu pun orang penuh
ingatkan yg ramai2 tu non muslim
(sbb aku expect ramai melayu balik beraya)
tapi melayu pun ramai je
lagi2 time aku makan dkt cafe ikea
seriously aku confuse
dorang ni tak pergi tgk org sembelih kurban ke
*haha aku pun same*
dah ramai orang beraya dekat kl skrg
dah tak balik kampung lagi
and another one
aku tak nak pergi ikea lagi time raya
*muka penat*

Nov 29, 2009
merepek je entry kali ni
but that is what on my mind now
kuat jealous jugak aku ni haha
Nov 14, 2009
better man better woman
selalunya bila org break up
or frust about relationship
org akan cakap
"u deserve better"
tp bila tengok pisau cukur hari tu
tiba2 terfikir
mcm mana yg lagi baik?
yg lagi byk hartanya?
yg lagi kacak/cantik rupanya?
yg lagi tinggi pangkatnya?
ke yg lagi byk sense of humornya?
yg lagi tinggi pelajarannya?
yg lagi elok akhlaknya?
yg lagi baik agamanya?
ke yg lebih romantik sikapnya?
aku dah jumpe ramai org yg letak syarat pelik2
when it comes to this matter (including me)
and ramai jugak dah menangis melalak kecewa
time tu ckp la dah x sehaluan la da x sesuai la
aku tersenyum je bila dgr benda2 mcm ni
ahh benda tu biasa laa
itukan asam garam hidup kt dunia
mana ade mr perfect dkt bumi ni kecuali nabi
tepuk dada tanya selera
biarlah kecewa sekali dua
pengalaman tu akan terus berguna
fikirlah mcm mana yg korang rase lagi better :)
aku dah fikir dahh haha
Nov 9, 2009
my new madness

Nov 5, 2009
an outing to klcc

Nov 3, 2009
biodata saya
((my biodata))
nama: atikah
dob: 9 jan 91
pob: pusat perubatan ibukota,kl
hobi: membaca, mengumpul setem
cita-cita: jurutera, arkitek, ahli perniagaan
fav food: pizza, spagetti, nasi dagang
fav drink: fresh orange, sky juice
ucapan: semoga berjaya di dunia dan akhirat!
bila tengok my sis, huda dah habis upsr
teringat balik things that i did when i were in her position
among all those memories, teringat kat this one thing
tak tahu lah org lain ade ke x
tapi time aku skolah rendah dulu
benda ni agak famous
nama dia: BUKU BIODATA
cara dia budak2 ni akan pass 1 buku
orang pun tulislah details diorang
siap buat corak2, hiaslah bg colorful
and biasanya aku tulis benda2 kat atas ni lah
namalah, hobilah, lawak betul bila fikir balik
actually awal2 aku kutuk benda ni
mana taknya
those kids suka tulis benda yg lawak
among entries yg aku menyampah such as
fav food: apa saja makanan yg halal OR masakan ibu
fav drink: air yg halal diminum
cita-cita: menjadi manusia yg berguna
*mcmlah ade org yg nk jd xguna*
tapi lama2 aku layan jugak
dah boring datang skolah x buat pape
but i wrote true things
xla merepek macam some kids
and bila tengok balik
sampai sekarang byk benda yg x berubah
still my fav food and drink are the same
ambition..uh hopefully dptlah jd engineer
but part hobi tu always sounds poyo and typical
rupanya my entries pun selalu entah pape
ye ye je kutuk orang haha
and aku jugak fikir tadi
sekarang kenapa kawan2 aku x pakai buku biodata tu lagi
fikir punya fikir wujud lagi benda2 ni sebenarnya
tapi dalam medium yg lain
kan sekarang semua ada facebook myspace twitter
which tell people about their likes and dislikes
birthday and other details
so kesimpulan yg aku buat
semua orang still lagi childish
kan kan kan :)
Nov 2, 2009
ohoho pangkor!

padahal my father org ipoh, my mum org kl
so where does the second hometown come from?
ohh actually sebab in my whole life
i have visited only 2 islands which are
one: pangkor (yg x terkira berape kali)
two: langkawi (only once)
my first time at pangkor time i still soo young
time tu i was only 60 days old or less
ada lagi gambar
mata pun time tu x bukak besar lagi haha
seriously, cute ;p
*wehh perasan lah*
then ayah selalu bwk kitorang bercuti dkt pangkor
almost everytime balik ipoh, ayah bwk kami ke sana
dalam setahun skali jugak lah kadang2 x bermalam pun
kira dah hafal lah nama2 tempat kat situ
pelik jugak kenapa ayah suke pangkor sgt
until one day i asked him and he told me;
"waktu ayah dkt star dulu, ayah penah buat activity kadet dkt sini
time tu first datang pangkor, ayah rase seronok sgt
sbb tmpt ni lawa and jauh dari bising2 mcm kl"
and ayah tunjuk gunung yg die panjat semua
ohh padanlah ayah ada sentimental value kat pangkor :)
and hari tu lepas final
me, eton, qila, feza and hajar pergi pangkor
that was their first time kat sana
and believe me, it was soooo funnnnnnn!
kiranya, ni first time i travelled THIS FAR with my friends
last sem, pegi malacca je tapi hari tu sampai seberang laut haha
thanks girls for such a good commitment
korang memang best gilaa
boat trip, snorkeling, frisbee, kayak
oohhh besss! jum plan for our next trip! :)
Nov 1, 2009
6 girls
adik beradik aku semua perempuan, enam orang.
aku pernah berhadapan dengan macam2 perspektif orang tentang
'adik beradik perempuan yg ramai
ade orang cakap;
"seronoknya semua perempuan, senang mak kau xpayah buat kerja rumah"
"semua perempuan?mesti rapat kann"
"untunglah mak bapak kau.seorang anak perempuan hantaran 10k"
so kat sini aku nak bagitau,ade yang betul,ade yang tidak.
rapat,memang kami cukup rapat.kongsi semua benda sama2.
kongsi minat,kongsi cerita,gosip dll.
tapi bab kerja rumah,aku adik beradik liat sikit.
buat tu buat,tp tunggu berbuih mulut mak,baru buat.sorry mak!
bab hantaran tu,aku x tau sbb aku x kahwin lagi.haha.
tapi,ade jugak orang yg x matang menilai hal ni
ingat lagi, waktu mak aku dalam pantang adik aku yg ke 4; asmaa'
ade seorang perempuan yang cabul mulutnya berkata
"perempuan lagi? kesiannn.."
eh kelakar lah.perempuan lagi pun kesian?
bukan dapat anak x sempurna sifat ke ape ke.
perempuan!manusia jugak kot
boleh masuk syurga jugak! haish.
jage2 lah mulut tu.anak tu rezeki Allah bagi.
bile awak cakap kesian,awak kesiankan apa yg Allah bagi.
padahal xde cacat celanya.jantina tu bukan manusia yg tentukan.
waktu tu aku kecik lagi,tp kesannya sampai sekarang aku rase.
kenapa?sebab aku perempuan.aku geram orang cakap macamtu.
aku enjoy hidup aku dengan adik beradik yang semuanya perempuan
kami bercerita, berkonsgi rahsia sama2 sebelum tidur
kami menyanyi, main gitar, menari ramai2 almost every day
kami bergambar gila2 pakai webcam bile kami masing2 dah bosan
kami berangan sama2, cerita tentang impian yg x mungkin akan menjelma
kami bercerita tentang lelaki yg kami minat, yg kurang ajar, yg perasan baguss
kami x segan mintak tolong each other, and x segan nak buat apa yg kami nak
and yg paling penting, kami sayang each other
so ape kurangnya perempuan?
yang penting tu kasih sayang :)
Oct 26, 2009
calculus 2 sudah
calculus dah habis pukul 12 tadi. lega.
how was it? err. no comment!
*padahal x boleh buat.harap lepas masuk cal 3 cukup la*
lagi dua paper lagi. physics and chemistry. heh.
*tough dude. but i am still here, study la wehh*
act, mood cuti dah sampai. ahh cepatlah cuti.
rumah, i miss u.
good internet connection, i miss u too. haha.
Oct 3, 2009
Sep 26, 2009
the reminiscence

text books, stationaries, money, ahh everything!
also, we used to argue
we used to cry together
we used to be foe to one another
and even hate each other
but this is who we are now
we laugh heartily when we remember all those hard times
we giggle when we think about the quarrel we had since 7 years ago
Sep 23, 2009
like mother like daughter
on second syawal
when two of my aunts were watching television in my house
suddenly mak ngah asked a question to mak andak
her question was kinda like this:
among all my 6 siblings, who looks like my mother most
ahha. this question is quite sensitive to some of my sisters actually
so i said nothing and just waiting for mak andak to say something
mak andak took a lil time before she said: "maybe atikah"
and mak ngah also agreed
she said, asmaa and i look like my mother
angah and huda look like my father
and sumayyah looks like no one. she looks like a chinese
and we were all laughing
but for me, there is no different
all of us are the same
we are sisters
but later, i smile
hey. i look like my mother okay. hahaha.
i am proud to say that :)
Sep 20, 2009
eid mubarak 2009
1 syawal-at my grandpa's house, with my siblings and mum
our theme this year: PURPLE
ah. my life had been pretty busy now.
with all the calculus, chemistry, and physics stuff
as well as the preparation for raya
i took a long time before i had this chance to update my blog
until now..
eid mubarak is here!
selamat hari raya to all muslims
to my family, my sisters, my teachers and lecturers,
and also to allll my friends, either u r in malaysia
or in a faraway place named USA
enjoy the spirit of raya, that is important
this raya is a bit different
i never know why but i can feel it
*wink* Aug 27, 2009
missions accomplished
missions accomplished.
i had successfully met all of them at klia.
nani, nadiah, mimi.
* only yam je x dpt, x de rezeki :( *
i just wanna u all know that u r always in my doa
take care, study smart
hope to meet u all again in us next year :)
Aug 17, 2009
..minggu ini..
last week minggu yg pelik
minggu tidur yg melampau
pagi susah bangun
malam cepat tidur
dalam lecture asyik terlena
petang mengantuk lagi
hari ini dah isnin
dah masuk minggu baru
it means
lagi seminggu untuk ke ramadhan
lagi seminggu ke mid sem break
dan dalam minggu ni
i have scheduled a lot of things
*send them to klia (really hope i can go there!)
hopefully this week will be better
tak mau tidur melampau lagi ;)
Jul 27, 2009
macee conference

it wasn't planned
suddenly i was there
with other 9 actp students
'Malaysian-American Commission Of Educational Exchange'
or better known as MACEE
yes i have to agree
it was such a new experience for me
joining an educational conference
with 9 american students
my knees were shaking all the time
nervous that i might have to speak up
then at last
my turn to speak up
the question was really simple:
why u r proud of being a Malaysian?
different from my speech com class
impromptu speech really doesnt work with me
but at least,
i did stress up that
I am Proud to be Malaysian
and i really do
Jul 14, 2009
a genuine tale of mine
i misplaced my purse last friday
my new purse :(
and when a stranger came and gave it back to me on sunday
there was no money left
and the purse was damaged
i was upset
but then
my mother said:
"xpe lah.bersyukur je ic, kad bank semue dpt balik.
duit 2 mmg bukan hak along rasenye.
cube fikir2 balik.ade x sedekah ke ape ke dekat mane2?
igt,rezeki kite bukan hak sendiri.kena kongsi dgn org lain"
padan muke!
she is right.
there must be something wrong.
He only tested me a lil bit.
dah sedih2.
nak senyum balik lah
mesti ade hikmahnye :)
Jun 29, 2009
dah setahun
setahun yg lepas
sy daftar dekat intec uitm
sy takut
sy fikir hidup sy akan bosan
hari ini
sy bersyukur
sbb sy warga intec
atu 15
sy sgt suka
sy sgt bahagia
*terima kasih Tuhan*
sy jugak takut
this place wont be the same
sebab mereka
sy mesti rindu dekat mereka
tapi takpe
we'll meet again someday
i know we will
ps: ppl,thanks for such a wonderful friendship.
i'm really grateful that i belong here, and i had the chance to know all of u :))
Jun 27, 2009
Jun 18, 2009
its him, my hero
when i was on my way back to home this afternoon
suddenly ayah told me a lot of stories
and i felt free to listen
sekali sekale je pun
but as usual,ayah spoke in english
but i replied in bahasa
ayah: why u wanna go to US?
aku: tak tau
ayah: think of one reason
aku: belaja lah kot ;P
ayah: impossible u dont have other reasons.
aku : err...
ayah: dulu,ayah nak pegi england bcoz of many reasons.
one of them,sebab nak escape dari malaysia.
aku : seriously? *dlm hati*
ayah : tapi satu benda je yg buat ayah xnak pergi.guess what?
aku : atuk dgn wan?
ayah : good girl.u know me well. :)
aku : ayh pernah ckp dulu *dlm hati*
ayah : sbb ayah takut atuk dgn wan meninggal bila ayah jauh.
but do u know what atuk said when i told him i didnt wanna go?
aku : dia suruh ayah jgn risau kot.
ayah : wan sakit waktu tu.tapi atuk kate;
insyaallah,aku rase aku sempat tengok kau balik sini.
pergilah belajar.mak kau aku jage.
aku : *imagine atuk cakap macamtu.atuk macho ;)*
ayah : nasib baik umur dorang panjang.atuk 89,wan 70,
sempat pun ayah jage dorang.
kalau tak mesti ayah regret.
aku : apa yang ayah regret?
ayah : almost everything in my life ade je ayah regret sikit,
atuk and wan,
ur mother,
bukak hk
u all,my 6 princesses.
aku : *senyum*
ayah : nanti when u are at us,u will feel what i used to feel..
ingat 1 je,tuhan dah aturkan yg terbaik utk kite,jgn risau..
it had been a long conversation between me and ayah.
it was true, fun and meaningful.
ayah, atuk, both of u r my hero.
selamat hari bapa.
i love u so much ayah.
all 6 of us do.
picture when i was form 4
rupenye dah lame x snap picture dgn ayah alone :(

Jun 12, 2009
my life this summer
6.30 ~ bangun subuh
before 7.00 ~ tido balek
8.15 ~ bangun,mandi,siap2
8.59 ~ lari2 turun kejar bas pkl 9
9.30 ~ class starts
11.15 ~ class ends
11.30 ~ go to library,bace paper,borak2 ;P
12.45 ~ lunch
1.15 ~ amik bas
1.30 ~ sampai bilik,online,zuhur,tido.
i'm a little bit suprise to see that this is my true daily activity
8 weeks of leisure (except when there is a test on the day after)
i feel so free
i get enough sleep now
i get enough rest now
and i can breath properly at last
only one thing makes me a little bit worry
* my weight *
i'm getting heavier
and fatter
how do i know?
except from the weighing scale that pointed the number ** kg
i can see the changes by comparing my pictures
fall 2008 and summer 2009
i think i desperately need to cut on some food la (:
fall 2008

summer 2009

May 15, 2009
always on my mind
Always On My Mind
Elvis Presley
Maybe I didn't treat you
Quite as good as I should have
Maybe I didn't love you
Quite as often as I could have
Little things I should have said and done
I just never took the time
You were always on my mind
You were always on my mind
Maybe I didn't treat you
Quite as good as I should have
Maybe I didn't love you
Quite as often as I could have
Little things I should have said and done
I just never took the time
You were always on my mind
You were always on my mind
Tell me, tell me that your sweet love hasn't died
Give me, give me one more chance
To keep you satisfied, satisfied
Maybe I didn't hold you
All those lonely, lonely times
And I guess I never told you
I'm so happy that you're mine
If I make you feel second best
Girl, I'm sorry I was blind
You were always on my mind
You were always on my mind
Tell me, tell me that your sweet love hasn't died
Give me, give me one more chance
To keep you satisfied, satisfied
Little things I should have said and done
I just never took the time
You were always on my mind
You are always on my mind
You are always on my mind
i love this song
even i listen this song almost everyday
because i find this song to be very closed to me
in a way, yes
in other way, no
when i think back
am i regret?
am i sad?
i dont know
i dont have any idea
but the only thing i know is
i am happy and i hope i can be happier soon (;
Apr 26, 2009
the end
at last, spring semester comes to an end
no one can describe how relieve i am
now i'm just eager for the result
but no matter what is it
i think i will be okay
because i believe that is the best from Allah
by the way
being a newarkian was an awesome experience
thanks friends
at least today i can still say
friendship is really
because behind all those laughs, fights and tricks
there is a strong bond
a stronger bond more than any other chemistry bond
which is
a love bond
~steamboat party~

i guess
there is no caption needed to describe each pictures
because from our faces
one word is already there
we are soooo
friendship is a miracle is it??
Apr 13, 2009
nearly ends
its already april
how fast the time is moving
i never know
and i never realize
when i look up at calendar
spring sem is about to end
i've been waiting for it
but when i think and ponder
i started to wonder what i got from this 4 months period
nice friends: undeniable
study: yups.perhaps
ibadah: um.ah.what i had done?
ya tuhan
sikitnya ibadah hamba jika diukur dgn nikmatmu
manusia selalu dan terlalu mudah lupa
Mar 28, 2009
Mar 21, 2009
holiday?? not really
1 week of holiday
i dont know what to add here
i just think
i am desperately need of rest
i don't think this holiday is enough
manusia, jarang sekali mahu bersyukur
what did i do during this whole week yeah??
studying (very little)
i'm coming back!
summer sem
please wait for me!
Mar 8, 2009
selamat pengatin baru
congratulation to kak amatullah
u r already a wife
at a young age (for me la)
it must be something really special yeah?
selamat pengantin baru
semoga bahagia ke akhir hayat
Mar 6, 2009
how i really miss 18
at last
6 march 09
i arrived my school
my beloved school
smks 18
funny yeah?
staying at akasia
in section 18
but i never visited my school
that is only 10 minutes from akasia
what a bad student i am
luckily i met pn johana
my favorite teacher ever
she is still nice
nice like the day i left the school
and guess what
she asked me to be strong
and i hope i will be
sekolah menengah kebangsaan seksyen 18 shah alam
i am proud to be one of the team
i miss u terribly
Mar 1, 2009
another week to go
i really do
i don't want to go back to akasia
going back to akasia means
i let myself be in stressful moment
demonstrative speech to go tomorrow
i will fight as long as i can
Feb 27, 2009
single??big problem
"what?seriously, u r single?"
"ur face shows that u r already have one"
"how come u r single?get a guy then"
is it too bad for being single??
i love the way i am now
i am free
i am happy
and the most important
i know who i am
and who i love
Feb 21, 2009
mid term mood
a week away from internet
i feel horrible
away from the only world that keeps me update
thank God i'm here at last
one bad thing:
next week would be my mid term exam
the good thing:
i only got 2 papers
and public speaking
please bless me
give me the best
coz U r the only one who knows
Feb 14, 2009
saturday leisure

being in Petrosains is awesome
so much things there
and i guess we really enjoy ourselves there
engineering video??
i think i was a kind of silly in the scenes
acting like a stupid engineer
pointed here and there with the safety helmet
the 3 boys were much much more professional in this
and i am envy of them
i really enjoy the day :))
Feb 13, 2009
purse = money + memory

13 Feb 09
no class for today
but then
still i have to go to intec
bcoz i've lost my purse
my very special thing
his very first present for me
and today i'm going to look out for it
and guess what
as i arrived in computer lab
i read this announcement on the door
i consider myself as lucky
i'd left my stuff all over the world
carelessly especially these
1. handphone
2. purse
but then
still God gave it back to me
he knows how much i love my purse
then He gives it back
thanks ya Allah
i think day to day
now i know how much you love me
you are ar rahman
ar rahim
Feb 11, 2009

i know that this is serious
i know it is
but i never know that i will go through it
and i dont even know that i have to go through it at akasia
it was a sound of something broken that woke me up
at first i thought it was one of my housemates
but then later i thought it was someone trying to get into my apartment
i started to feel scared and thinking of locking my door
but suddenly i saw something flowing into my room under the closed door
it was clouds of black smoke!!
nervous and really shocked
i opened my door and found that all over the house have been full with smoke
and i rushed to the toilet to see the source
oh my God
it was the candle
it was our mistake
and i rushed back to wake up my other housemates
as everyone had woke up
then we ran out of the house
and i without anything cover my head
rushed to the guard in charge that night
luckily he was there to help us
and he was the one to put out the fire
*take a deep breath*
thanks Allah
i am fear to think that the tragedy i went trough may could take my life away
maybe if i didnt realize that my house was on fire
i would never wake up again
and i will never meet my parents
my sisters my friends my relatives
and he
i really hope that i would be able to say to him that i really love him all my heart
altough i know he wont listen
at least once before i die
i wish to tell him that thing
thanks Allah
thanks for giving me another chance to live in your world
at least maybe i could show him how much is my sincerity
my sincerity that never change
Feb 10, 2009
at last
i went for the karaoke today
i think i feel more free now
when the chorus part arrived
i felt like i release all my stress
all my assignment pressure
all my homework problems
i really wanna do it again
i was sooo cool
i reiterate
sooo cool
Feb 8, 2009

i have a kenduri today
at section 9
di rumah ninek saka
my dad's uncle
or more precise
my late granma's youngest brother
the closest relative of mine
most people might wonder
what is ninek??
actually it is a calling name for 'atuk' in Rawa language
they call grandmother as 'uci'
aunt as 'we'
and uncle as 'mamak'
then followed by their name
just as additional infos
because somehow i'm proud to be one of them
at least i know another language although i cant speak it out
talking about all this matter
it was really happening at ninek saka's house
i met the cute little shasha
who is the one we're celebrating today
her fair skin
her wonderful smile
her cute acts
her soft smell
and suddenly i like baby
although i never do
Feb 6, 2009
calculus pressure
i started my day with crime solving presentation
and i think it was a pretty success
i said about all those envy stuff
but later we know that our verdict wasn't right
but its ok bcoz we had done our job gracefully
then calculus session started
i got my quizzes result
like what miss raihana said
"simple silly2 mistakes"
i supposed to get full mark if i knew 'how to add better'
kenapa begini??
susahnya manusia nak redha!!
the time arrived
145% pressure in 1 hour 45 mins
the ques were 'easy as heaven'
until it made me sweating
all over the test
oh man
this is calculus
no wonder maths genius get their grey hair so soon
it is over
nak rehat!!!
Feb 4, 2009
secret and secret

what or where shud i start?
me = atyka
just turned 18 las month :)
lahir at kl but grew up in subang
but i did and do belong to shah alam
more specifically
section 18
where i AM now
adding this year
7 years
plus another 1 year
i just got back
td gi secret recipe
wif my 3 lovely hausmates
kak syazana
ate bbq chicken
ahh kenyang
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